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CloudStudio Anywhere

How you can use CloudStudio Anywhere (Off Site) up for your next Spiideo Play broadcast

Updated over 3 months ago

Get access to CloudStudio from anywhere in the world. Use this tool to operate time, score, provide commentary and create highlights

Requirements for CloudStudio Anywhere

For CloudStudio Anywhere, you will need:

  • An iPad or computer - Ensure your device is updated

  • Google Chrome or Safari - Latest version

  • A network connection of at least 15mbps

  • For commentary, you need an input device that is available in your device's audio settings

Interface Overview

In the below section you will find more information on what functionalities you can find in CloudStudio Anywhere.

  1. View mode: Production or Press box

    • Production is what the viewer sees

    • Press box allows you to pan around without affecting the viewer

  2. Expand/minimize the side menu

  3. View and control replays

  4. View and control overlays

  5. Set the video to ambient mode

  6. Set a custom camera angle (Without AutoFollow)

  7. Lock the camera to the left or right or enable AutoFollow

  8. Turn arena volume on or off for you (Does not affect viewer)

  9. Highlight creation

Video Functionality in CloudStudio Anywhere

To ensure a successful broadcast, you should:

  • Have at least 15mbps up/down to your CloudStudio device

  • Adjust controls (phase, time, score, etc.) as the action happens in the video

  • Make sure your device time is set to automatic

If your device or the cameras suffer network issues, you may see the following:

If you are not in sync with the live stream

If you are not in sync with the live stream one of the two following messages will appear:

🟠 "The video is slightly delayed. Some controls have been temporarily disabled."

Being slightly out of sync will disable replays and overlays.

🔴 "The video is significantly delayed. All controls have been temporarily disabled."

Being significantly out of sync will disable all of the controls.

Production Mode or Pressbox Mode?

We have created two view modes for your video to help you operate the broadcast:

Production Mode

Is everything the viewer sees. Any adjustment you do to the video here will affect the output to the viewer:

  • Turning AutoFollow off/on

  • Setting a custom camera angle left or right

  • Enabling/disabling overlays

  • Playing replays

You will see all your active overlays displayed on the video as the viewer sees them

Pressbox Mode

Allows you to freely look around the main camera view to get a better angle on things. This can be used:

  • For commentary purposes; If you want to see something not captured by AutoFollow, such as some action from the crowd

  • During halftime, to keep an eye on when teams are returning to the field

  • To check a physical scoreboard in the venue to correlate the time and score on the broadcast

Have any further questions? Reach out to support via the chat in the bottom right!

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