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Data Explorer

A search engine for all of your tags and data!

Updated over a week ago

Data Explorer is a search engine for all of your tagged data in Spiideo. It allows users to quickly and efficiently search and filter on any tagged event in your account. Simply search for the tags you are interested in (Goals, Shots, Player names, etc.), view them within Data Explorer, and share them with other members in your organization.

NOTE: This feature is only available for PRO PLUS subscriptions. If you are interested in using Data Explorer, you can reach out to your regional sales manager or contact


1. Search and Populate Tags

In Spiideo Perform, navigate to the Data Explorer tab in the right hand column:

From here, you can filter for tags on a number of different criteria:

  1. Filter by tag name

  2. Filter by recording tag originates from

  3. Filter by date of recording

  4. Filter by groups tagged is shared in

  5. Filter by scene tag occurs on

  6. Filter by Leagues tag comes from (Only for League Exchange)

a. User Created Tags

Clicking here will open up the menu to filter on user created tags. These are all the tags created in tag panels and used on your account:

Here you can search for clips that contain individual or multiple tags. Search by either scrolling through the contained list or by typing in the search field.

TIP: Tag searches are case sensitive. Write as they are written in your Tag Panel

Clips that are pulled will contain all tags you select. As an example, if I wanted to search for all clips of 'goals scored by Player #7' I would select tags 'Goal Scored' and 'No. 7':

To search for multiple tags independent of each other, add another row and search for the next tag. Search for 'Passes' and 'Shots' like this:

Once you're happy with your search criteria, click save to populate the search field.

b. AutoData Generated Tags

Similarly to user created tags, you can filter on tags from your AutoData orders. To do so, click here:

Here you can search for clips that contain individual or multiple tags. Search by either scrolling through the contained list or by typing in the search field.

TIP: Tag searches are case sensitive. Write as they are written in your AutoData Order

Clips that are pulled will contain all tags you select. As an example, if I wanted to search for all clips of 'corners from red team' I would select tags 'Corner' and 'Red':

To search for multiple tags independent of each other, add another row and search for the next tag. Search for 'Passes by Red team' and 'Shots by Red team' like this:

Once you're happy with your search criteria, click save to populate the search field.

2. Added Tagged Clips to a Presentation

Step 1: Add clips to your selection

Click Add to add clips to your selection (click on the green check to remove the clip)

Step 2: Open your selection (i.e. playlist)

Open the selection view to see all of your clips in a playlist.

  • Play all = watch all of the clips consecutively

  • Back to search = Go back to Data Explorer main page

  • Clear selection = remove all selected clips

  • Add to presentation = add all clips to an existing or new presentation

Step 3: Add selected clips to a presentation

To add your selected clips to a presentation, click Add to presentation.

From here, you can create a new presentation and share with a Group (other users in your account) or share the clips to an existing presentation!

Step 4: View your presentation🎉

Once you share the clips to an existing or new presentation, go to the Presentations tab to view!

Click on the thumbnail to open your Presentation! You can read our article on Working with Presentations to learn how to edit and share your presentations!

Here's a short video step-by-step on this entire workflow👇

3. Added Tagged Clips to a Clip Collection

Clip Collections are folders for specific tagged events. You can share these clip collections with other members in your organizations via Groups.

📝 USE CASE: You can think of saving selections to Clip Collections as a way to Save your clips. From Clip Collections, you can share those with other members of your team or add to presentations at a later time. If you want to customize the order, length, etc. then it's best to add clips to a Presentation vs. Clip Collection.

Step 1: Add clips to your selection

Step 2: Go to your Clip Collections tab

Step 3: Click on the Clip Collection thumbnail to view your clips!

💡TIP: If you are looking to customize and present clips to your team with drawing tools, text overlays, etc. then it's best to create a Presentation vs. Clip Collection from these clips.

Have further questions? Speak to Spiideo Support directly through the chat in the bottom right corner!

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