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League Exchange

If you are part of a league exchange (i.e. league or conference setup), this is how you view, access and copy games into your team account

Updated over 9 months ago

League Exchange Overview

League Exchange allows participating teams to benefit greatly by having access to the video live and afterwards with minimal to no effort required. This works for both games recorded with Spiideo camera systems as well as uploaded video that was filmed with any regular camera.

The 'Leagues' tab will be visible on your account once you are granted access by Spiideo

Available Leagues you can join can be found under Leagues > Members

Leagues you are a member of will be highlighted with a blue accent

Once joined, recordings from the League will appear in the Leagues > Recordings tab

Roles and Access

The following is a breakdown of the roles in a League Exchange and who can access:

League Exchange Roles

There are three roles available in a League Exchange:

  • Viewer

  • Editor

  • Admin

The three different roles have access to the above features

Who can Access?

The following is a breakdown of who can access a League Exchange:

Admins can add other users and have full access. Members can only view the League Exchange once added

How to Join and Add Users

This can only be done by an account admin

  1. Navigate to the 'Leagues' tab and click 'Members'

  2. A list of Leagues that your account has been granted access to will be listed under 'Other Leagues'. Click on the League you wish to add a member to.

  3. Click on "Add member' and start typing the name of email adress of the user you wish to add.

  4. Choose the role of the member (viewer, editor or admin).

  5. Press 'Add'

Record and Upload to the League Exchange

A recording can be shared to a league either by starting, scheduling or uploading it. Recording into the League does not count against your personal recording or storage quota.

However, if you decide to copy the recording to your Spiideo account this will count towards your storage quota.

Please note: All games shared to a League must be started or scheduled from the League Exchange tab (i.e. not the recordings tab)

Record to a League Exchange

How to start and share a recording into a league:

  1. Locate and click the 'leagues' tab and select 'New Recording'

  2. Title the recording

  3. Select the scene you wish to record from

  4. Select the league you wish to share the recording into

  5. Toggle on 'Keep local copy' if you wish to automatically share the recording to your Recordings tab.

Upload to a League Exchange

Uploading a recording to a League is a great option if you have recorded a game from a non-Spiideo camera.

  1. Click the 'Leagues' tab and select 'Upload video'

  2. Title the recording

  3. Choose the time and date that the match took place (local to the match location)

  4. Select the League you wish to share the recording into

  5. Toggle on 'Keep local copy' if you wish to automatically share the recording to your Recordings tab.

Pre-schedule a Recording to a League Exchange

Scheduling a recording into a League can be done on all Spiideo scenes that you have recording access to.

  1. Locate and click the 'leagues' tab and select 'Calendar'

  2. Click 'Schedule a new recording'

  3. Title the recording

  4. Choose the time and date that the recording will take place

  5. Select the scene that you wish to schedule the recording at

  6. Select the league you wish to share the recording into

  7. Toggle on 'Keep local copy' if you wish to automatically share the recording to your Recordings tab.

Access League Exchange Footage

Recordings are stored within the League Exchange and can be viewed by members of the league as well as copied into a team's account.


In order to view the recordings that are available to you, navigate to 'Recordings' under the 'Leagues' tab

Watch recordings by clicking on the recording tile

Copy and Download

Use the 3-dots menu to:

  1. Edit and delete recordings (only available for Admins or recordings you own)

  2. Copy the recording to your Spiideo Perform account

  3. Download the recording

Downloads of League Exchange recordings are available for 3 months after recording/upload

League Exchange FAQs

I am not seeing a Leagues tab on Why is that?

Each user of a league exchange needs to be part of an account that has access to a League. If you do not have access send an email with the League you need access to and the team you are with so we can provide you and other staff members access.

Can I view games live in the exchange?

Yes! This is one of the unique parts of Spiideo and the exchange functionality. Wherever there are Spiideo cameras in your League, you can access and view those games live. This means teams can tag/edit/analyse live or immediately after the game.

Will other teams see our tags?

No. All of your team's tags are only visible internally. All video that has been shared to a league exchange is simply a copy of the original and no tags will ever be shared.

Do I need to be on-site to tag live?

You do not have to be on-site to live tag. You can log in to the exchange via and watch the game and tag on your laptop! Read more about that here.

Can I delete an imported game from my account after I'm done analyzing?

Yes, you can trim or delete that game from your account. Because it is an imported copy of the original recording, it won't affect other members of the League.

Do games of a League Exchange count against my quota?

Only the games imported by you into your club account, count against your club's quota.

Still need help? Reach out to support via the chat in the bottom right

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