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Sharing Content in Spiideo Perform

How to share recordings, presentations, clip collections and more internally within your organization and externally to non-Spiideo users

Updated over a week ago

Share on Web

This section will show you all the content you can share on Spiideo Perform web and how to do so.

Share Recordings

When creating/scheduling your recording, you will be given the option to share to either:

  1. Groups

  2. People

When sharing to Groups, you will see a list of all Groups your user is added to. You can select as many groups as you would like here:

When sharing to People, you will be given a search option to search for users added to your team account. The list will populate as you type and you can select multiple users:

You can also access these options after your recording is created/scheduled or finished recording. To do this, find the recording in the recordings tab or calendar, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Recordings tab:


Share Presentations

When creating a presentation, you will be given the option to share to either:

  1. Groups

  2. People

When sharing to Groups, you will see a list of all Groups your user is added to. You can select as many groups as you would like here:

When sharing to People, you will be given a search option to search for users added to your team account. The list will populate as you type and you can select multiple users:

You can also access these options after your Presentation is created. To do so, find the Presentation under the 'Presentations' tab, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Share Clip Collections

When creating a Clip Collection, you will be given the option to share to an unlimited number of Groups:

You can also access this option after your Clip Collection is created. To do so, navigate to the 'Clips' tab, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Share Tag Panels

On Pro and Pro PLUS subscription accounts, you can share Tag Panels to groups within your account.

When creating your Tag Panel, you can select which group or multiple groups you want to also have access to your Tag Panel:

You can also access this option after your Tag Panel is created. To do so, navigate to the 'Tag Panels' tab, click the '3-dots' menu for the Tag Panel you wish to share and 'Edit':

Share on iOS

This section will show you all the content you can share on the Spiideo Perform iOS app and how to do so.

Share Recordings

When creating/scheduling your recording, you will be given the option to share to either:

  1. Groups

  2. People

When sharing to Groups, you will see a list of all Groups your user is added to. You can select as many groups as you would like here:

When sharing to People, you will be given a search option to search for users added to your team account. The list will populate as you type and you can select multiple users:

You can also access these options after your recording is created/scheduled or finished recording. To do this, find the recording in the recordings tab, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Share Presentations

When creating a presentation, you will be given the option to share to either:

  1. Groups

  2. People

When sharing to Groups, you will see a list of all Groups your user is added to. You can select as many groups as you would like here:

When sharing to People, you will be given a search option to search for users added to your team account. The list will populate as you type and you can select multiple users:

You can also access these options after your Presentation is created. To do so, find the Presentation under the 'Presentations' tab, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Share Clip Collection

When creating a Clip Collection, you will be given the option to share to Groups:

You can select an unlimited number of groups to share to here:

You can also access this option after your Clip Collection is created. To do so, navigate to the 'Clips' tab, click the '3-dots' menu and 'Edit':

Share Tag Panels

On Pro and Pro PLUS subscription accounts, you can share Tag Panels to groups within your account.

When creating your Tag Panel, you can select which group or multiple groups you want to also have access to your tag panel. First click 'Share':

You can select an unlimited number of groups here:

You can also access this option after your Tag Panel is created. To do so, navigate to the 'Edit Tag Panels' section in the top left menu, then select the tag panel you wish to share:

Then select 'Share' in the top right corner:

Share outside your Organization

If you need to share a recording to a user outside of your organization, both to Spiideo and non-Spiideo users, these are your options

Game Exchange

Game Exchange allows you to share a recording to another user from a different organization that has a Spiideo Perform subscription. Sharing a recording with this method creates a copy for the receiver, this means they do not see any tags created on the original recording. This can be done:

  • During the recording

  • After the recording finishes

The following requirements apply to be able to Game Exchange a recording:

For Sender:

  • The recording must be owned by the account. This means:

    • It cannot be a copy from a League Exchange

    • It cannot be a copy from another Game Exchange

  • The Sender must be an admin on the account

Note: If you do not see the option for Game Exchange, check the dot points again

For Receiver:

  • They must have a Spiideo user account

  • They must be an admin of an organizations/teams Spiideo account

Note: If you or the receiver get an error when using Game Exchange, check the dot points again

On Web

Navigate to the 'Recordings' tab and find the game you wish to Game Exchange. Click the '3-dots' menu in the top right of the recording. Click on the 'Game Exchange' option here:

Here you can enter the email for the Spiideo user receiving the recording and then press send. The receiver will get an email with a link to import the recording copy to their account

The receiver will get an email with a link to import the recording copy to their account

On iOS

Navigate to the 'Recordings' tab and find the game you wish to Game Exchange. Click the '3-dots' menu to the right of the recording. Click on the 'Game Exchange' option here:

Here you can enter the email for the Spiideo user receiving the recording and then press send.

The receiver will get an email with a link to import the recording copy to their account

To non-Spiideo Individuals

If you need to share content to a non-Spiideo user, you can choose one of the following options:

Download and Share

Our advice for sharing outside of Spiideo Perform is to download your recordings and presentations and share them via physical or cloud storage. You can find an article on downloading here

Sharing FAQ

Q: I cannot find the group I want to share to?

A: Please check you are a member of the group you wish to share to

Q: I do not get an option to Game Exchange a recording?

A: Please check that your account owns the recording you wish to share. Please also review the requirements here

Q: Can other people see my tags on recordings I share to them?

A: Yes, all people in your organization with access to the recording can see tags. Copies of a recording do not show tags from the original

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