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Tagging in Spiideo Perform

Tag panels allow you to analyse all your videos with great efficiency

Updated over 2 years ago

Tagging is your first step in performance analysis of your games and trainings. By tagging a recording, you create time-stamped labels of events that are customisable to your requirements. Use these tags to create clips for presentations, clip collections or simply to navigate through a recording in a more streamlined fashion.


1. Create a Tag Panel

Creating a Tag Panel is your first step to start tagging. To provide some inspiration, examples of a Tag might be:

  • An action:

    • Goal Scored

    • Goal Conceded

    • Successful cross

    • Successful tackle

  • A phase:

    • Build up play

    • Possession transition

    • Possession sequence

If you are a Spiideo Perform LITE subscription customer, you can only have one Tag Panel per user. Perform Pro and Pro Plus can have an infinite number. Let's create a Tag Panel:

a. On Web

Start by navigating to the 'Tag Panel' tab on the left of your screen. This is where all your tag panels are stored for future editing. Click on 'Create a Tag Panel':

You will be presented with the Tag Panel creation screen. Here you can:

  1. Name your Tag Panel

  2. Share the Tag Panel with other users via Groups (read more here)

  3. Choose a layout for your Tag Panel

We provide preset layouts for the buttons on your Tag Panel, you cannot change this after you create a panel. Once the above information is entered, click 'Create'. You will be taken to the following screen:

From here, you can:

  • Return to the main Tag Panel screen

  • Change the Title and Sharing via 'Edit'

  • Start editing your individual Tags

Click on a tag, indicated by the red box above, to start editing. You will be taken to this page:

This is the editing page for an individual Tag. Here you can edit:

  1. The Tag name

  2. The color of the Tag (Representative of the tag on the timeline of a recording)

  3. Pre and Post roll of the Tag (How much footage is 'Tagged' before and after you click the Tag)

  4. Whether this is a Duration Tag

  5. Which level this Tag can be used on (for two-level tagging)

  6. The keyboard shortcut for your Tag

Once you're happy with your tag setup, you can click to save. You can return to edit a Tag and Tag Panel at any time in the future via the main 'Tag Panel' menu.

b. On iOS

Start by navigating to the 'Edit Tag Panels' tab located in the hamburger menu in the top left corner.

This is where all your tag panels are stored for future editing. Click on '+' in the top right to create a new Tag Panel:

Here you can choose a layout for your Tag Panel from a number of preset options, this cannot be edited after the tag panel is created. Swipe across to see your options and click 'Select' in the top right when chosen

Once you've selected your tag panel layout, you can now start editing your tags:

Click on an individual tag (as highlighted in red above) to get started. You will be taken to the following screen:

This is the editing page for an individual Tag. Here you can edit:

  1. The Tag name

  2. The color of the Tag (Representative of the tag on the timeline of a recording)

  3. Pre and Post roll of the Tag (How much footage is 'Tagged' before and after you click the Tag)

  4. Whether this is a Duration Tag

  5. Which level this Tag can be used on (for two-level tagging)

Once you're happy with your tag setup, you can click 'Edit tag panel' in the top left to return to the previous menu. You can return to edit a Tag and Tag Panel at any time in the future via the main 'Tag Panel' menu.

Once all your tags are edited for this panel, you can choose to share it via the 'Share' button, indicated below:

To read more on sharing your tag panel, you can click here!

2. Types of Tags

Within Spiideo Perform, we have a number of different tag types that allow you to tag your recordings in a more unique and specific way.

a. Duration Tags

A duration tag is a Start-and-Stop style tag that allows you to tag a very specific timeframe of a recording. Perhaps you want to tag 'Build up play' before a goal, the amount of time this takes is different from one situation to another. Therefore, you can use a Duration Tag, to start your tagging time and stop your tagging time when you wish.

To Create:

To set your tag as a Duration Tag, click here when creating/editing the tag:

b. Two-level Tags

Two-level tags allow you to be more descriptive in your tagging, by applying a second tag to your first tag. Examples of this could be:

  • First tag: Pass, shot, tackle, goal, 3-pointer, block

  • Second tag: Player 3, Number 8, Jack Stephens, Defender, Attacker,

To Create:

Select one of the options shown below to specify a tag as either:

  • Used as both First and Second level

  • Only First-level

  • Only Second-level

3. Tag a Recording via Video

Tagging in this manner requires you to watch a recording live or rewatch a recording or uploaded video and tag as you watch.

a. Tag on Web

To tag a recording on web, you should have first created your tag panel. Then, open the recording you wish to tag and find your tag panels as shown below:

You can open your tag panels here by selecting the panel you wish from the drop down. You can also open multiple panels at one time, see below:

You can now watch through your recording and when an important moment occurs, click on the corresponding tag. It will show on the timeline as seen here:

By clicking on a tag and then the name of the tag in the top right of the timeline, you can:

  • Edit the tag

  • Add the individual tag to a presentation

  • Download the individual tag as an MP4

  • Delete the tag

If you have multiple different tags on a recording, you can expand your timeline to better see all tags:

Finally, you can add all tags to a presentation via the '3-dot' menu on the right of the timeline:

b. Tag on iOS

To tag a recording on iOS, you should have first created your tag panel. Then, open the recording you wish to tag and find your tag panels as shown below:

Your tagging section looks as followed:

Here you can:

  1. Switch Tag Panels

  2. Skip to key time stamps during the recording

  3. Add another Tag Panel

  4. Toggle Two-level Tagging

Tag a moment by pressing the corresponding tag on your panel and see it appear on the recording timeline:

c. Using Duration Tags

To use a duration tag, you should have first created a tag panel with a duration tag as detailed in this section. Once created, open your recording and tag panel.

To use, simply click the Duration Tag to start and click again to stop tagging, as seen here:

Alternatively, you can start a duration tag and drag it to cover the desired duration, as seen here:

d. Using Two-level Tags

To use Two-level tags, you should have first created a tag panel with Two-level tagging as detailed in this section. Once created, open your recording and tag panel.

Once open toggle the 'Two-level' switch on, as seen below. Then click your first-level tag and accompany it with your second-level tag:

In the example above, you now have a two-level tag that shows:

  • First-level: Goal Scored

  • Second-level: by number 2

If you press the wrong first-level tag, simply cancel via this button:

4. Tag a Recording Onsite

When you're standing at the field/court/stadium and watching your team train or play, you can use our tag panels to tag moments as you see them in front of you. This is called 'Live-tagging'. It is IMPORTANT to set your device to internet time to ensure tags sync to the correct timestamp.

Read on to find out more.

a. Live-tagging on Web

Once your recording has started, you can access live tagging on the Spiideo Perform Web via this button:

Once opened, you will able to access your tag panels as shown below:

You can view the recording time counting in the top left corner and you should tag moments as you see them live in front of you. Your tags will be present on the video recording timeline at the moment you pressed the corresponding tag button (EG: 00:01:28 in top left, 00:01:28 in the recording).

b. Live-tagging on iOS

Once your recording has started, you can access live tagging on the Spiideo iOS app via this button:

Once opened, you will able to access your tag panels as shown below:

You can view the recording time counting in the top right corner and you should tag moments as you see them live in front of you. Your tags will be present on the video recording timeline at the moment you pressed the corresponding tag button (EG: 00:03:35 in top right, 00:03:35 in the recording).

5. Use your Tags

Once you have finished tagging, you can use your tags in a number of unique ways to help enhance your analysis, let's find out how.

a. Filter and Expand your Tags

When you've made a number of tags on a recording, you can filter what tags are displayed on the timeline via this option:

Here you can click on the individual buttons you see to filter out tags based on:

  • User who tagged

  • Level of tag (First, Second)

  • Specific tag

  • AutoData tags and tag types (Only for AutoData orders)

To expand your timeline to see your tags more clearly, you can do the following:

b. Search for Tags with Data Explorer

Data Explorer is a great way to search for your tags across all or specific recordings throughout your entire team account. You can find Data Explorer in the left hand column and it looks similar to this:

Here you can:

  1. Search by tag name

  2. Search by recording title

  3. Filter by date

  4. Filter by groups shared to

  5. Filter by scenes recorded on

If you want to read more about using Data Explorer, you can read here.

c. Download a Tagged Clip

You can download each individual tag as a clip to share the file locally via your device. To do so, navigate to the recording and click on the tag. Then, you can do the following:

Once you click download, the video file will begin processing and be available to download in the Downloads menu that opens:

d. Add Tagged Clips to a Presentation

You can add tags to a presentation via two different methods within a recording. The first is to add all tags on a recording. To do this, click the '3-dot' menu on the right of the timeline:

The second is to add individual tags to a presentation. To do this, click the tag you wish to add and select '+ Add to Presentation' from the following menu:

e. Collect Tagged Clips in a Clip Collection

Clip Collections allow you to gather all tagged clips from recordings you have access to. This brings them all to the one place for you to view, analyse and utilise. To do so, navigate to 'Clips' in the left hand column and 'New Smart Clip Collection':

Here you can easily search through all your recordings to pull certain tagged clips such goals, shots, 3-pointers, etc. into one collection:

Once gathered, you can cycle through all clips to watch, draw and add to presentations:

Read more on Data Explorer here!

6. Import and Export Tags

You have the ability to both import tags from an external tagging software to your Spiideo recording, or export the tags from your Spiideo recording for external use.

a. Import Tags from External Source

If you wish to import tags from an external source to a Spiideo recording, you can start by opening the recordings in Spiideo Perform a clicking the 'i' in the top right:

From here, you can click 'Import tags':

You can then start the import process.

Step 1:

Choose file type:

Step 2:

Only applicable for VoStats and TPE imports. You will have created a download of the recording in order to tag in external software. Select the download used:

Step 3:

Upload file:

Step 4:

Choose a tag to sync with a time stamp in the recording:

Step 5:

Scrub to timestamp in the recording to sync your chosen tag. Click 'Move tag to player position' when satisfied and click 'Save':

Your tags will now be imported and synced to the recording:

b. Export tags as an XML

After tagging your recording in Spiideo Perform, you can export your tags for use in external programs. To do so, open the recording and click the 'i' in the top right corner:

Here, you can select to 'Export tags':

A download will now begin which includes all tags on the recording as an XML file, this can be used in any external program that accepts tag import as an XML.

If you have further questions about tagging, please reach out to support via the chat in the bottom right corner!

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