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Calibration Session Fails

Calibration fails after setting annotations during Portable SmartCam Calibration

Updated over a week ago

Once you complete your annotations on the calibration image, you can press 'Next' and our system will run through its calibration process. An accurate calibration looks similar to this:

If your calibration session fails, we advise checking the following:

  • Check that your annotations are set correctly. Each point should be placed in the corner of the field/court. TIP: pinch to zoom on the image for a better view of the corner

  • Ensure you have selected the correct field type. If you have selected 'Football 11v11' but are calibrating a basketball court, you may encounter issues

  • Check that your network speed is adequate. If your camera loses connection during calibration, the calibration session can fail

If you are experience consistent issues when calibrating and are unable to resolve, please reach out to Support!

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