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Spiideo Perform Subscription Tiers
Spiideo Perform Subscription Tiers

Here you can get an introduction to what is included in your Spiideo Perform Subscription

Updated this week

Within Spiideo Perform, we have four different subscription tiers that give you access to a different array of features. These tiers are:

  • Exchange

  • LITE

  • Pro

  • Pro Plus

You can check with your team/organization's account owner on what type of subscription you have. If they are unsure, please reach out to Support via the chat widget in the bottom right of the screen with your organization's account name.

1. Perform Exchange

The Exchange tier of Spiideo Perform is most often used by teams whose sporting league/association has entered into an agreement with Spiideo to record and share all league games.

Within this tier, you can:

2. Perform LITE

The LITE tier of Spiideo Perform is the first level subscription tier and is best accompanied by a Spiideo camera system. This subscription allows you to record with your Spiideo cameras as well as analyse and share footage. With this subscription, you can:

3. Perform Pro

The Pro tier of Spiideo Perform is the second subscription tier for teams of all sports and sizes, best accompanied with a Spiideo camera system. This subscription allows you a broad range of features to be used with your recorded or uploaded footage. These included:

4. Perform Pro Plus

The Pro Plus tier of Spiideo Perform is third subscription tier and full package of features and usability, best accompanied with a Spiideo camera system. The subscription tier is suited to elite clubs and organisations with multiple teams who are looking to record, analyze and share on a large scale. Pro Plus gives you access to our full range of features with your recorded and uploaded footage. These include:

If you still have questions after reading through our help centre, please contact Support via the chat in the bottom right corner!

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