Your broadcast from Spiideo Play can be sent to a variety of external services using Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) or Secure Reliable Transport Protocol (SRT). Sending your broadcast to any external service supporting RTMP or SRT is a great option if your club or organisation wants to stream on websites such as Youtube.
Important Information
Please be aware of this important information when using RTMP or SRT.
When using RTMP as the external source, then:
Spiideo pushes the RTMP feed
The external source receives (we do not support RTMP pull)
When using RTMP, you are required to provide the following details from your RTMP endpoint:
URL: rtmp://
Stream key: Ahb776S
These can sometimes be displayed as one URL by your RTMP endpoint and could look like this:
When using SRT as the external source, then:
Spiideo is the caller
The external source is the listener
When using SRT, this is the format that should be used to input the SRT address:
srt://<ip>:<port>?<parameters>For example, the following information:
Port: 4200
Password: PWFhjkrNkLqTa9FM8aJP
Would become:
Create a new Broadcast with Spiideo Play
To start your RTMP or SRT external stream you need to create a new broadcast in Spiideo Play.
To add a new broadcast start off by locating the "Broadcasts' tab and clicking 'Add new broadcast'.
Fill in the event details:
Description of the event, intended for the viewers. For Example: U17 Friendly Match.
Arena. Select which arena this game is being played at from the drop down list.
Select sport is for arenas that have multiple types of sport played there. If there is only one sport available, this will be greyed out.
Date and Time for the game. Set the specific kick off & date for the game. This is the time when the AI AutoFollow will begin tracking
Adjust how many minutes before the start time you want the broadcast to go live. During this time the live stream is active but the camera doesn't move.
Broadcast length. Be sure to set enough time for your specific broadcast. The livestream will end when the time is up. You can prolong this during a live broadcast if needed.
Click 'Continue'
Fill in the teams' information from scratch or select already created teams and click 'Continue'.
To get the most out of teams and players read here.
On the next step, select 'External Video Service' and enter the production details:
The name of the production
The type of production (Enhanced, Clean or Low Latency)
The storyboard and graphic package.
If you want the highlights saved*
* Only applicable for Enhanced productions
Continue by adding your output.
To add your output:
Click 'Add output'
Choose the output type (RTMP or SRT)
Fill in the RTMP or SRT information.
Enter the URL provided by your external service for the destination
Add any RTMP/SRT stream key required by the external service
Click 'Add' followed by 'Create' and then 'Create' again.
Monitor your Broadcast
Your broadcast will now be visible under the 'Broadcasts' tab where you are able to monitor it. Click on the broadcast that you want to monitor and scroll down.
This monitor section allows you to see:
Camera status: Whether your cameras are online
Camera upload speed: If you camera speeds are sufficient (15mbps per camera is needed).
Production details: Ensure that the output information is correct and that the stream is healthy.
Watch a live feed of the broadcast with audio: Shows you what the viewer sees.
Output information: Shows the destination and health of the output as well as allows you to edit or restart the output.
Starting' means that the production is starting up and not ready yet.
'Healthy' means that the broadcast is running as expected
'Restarting' means that the signal is being re-sent to destination
Edit the Output After the Broadcast has Started
The stream URL and stream key can be changed before the event starts or while it is ongoing by editing the External Service settings.
To edit the output:
Click on 'Edit'
Edit the RTMP/SRT information
Click on 'Save'
The signal will then be re-sent to the destination. It may take a few moments before the changes appear on your external streaming provider.
Possible Problems and Solutions
A broadcast has been scheduled but it won't show up on the external streaming channel
Verify whether your external streaming provider has activated your channel
Check the event details (date, time) to ensure this information is consistent on both services
Make sure the you entered the destination URL correctly (Look for spaces throughout the URL and at the end)
Make sure you use a unique stream key for each event
Overlapping broadcasts will not work when using the same Stream Key (each game requires its own key)
Are the cameras currently online or offline?
Open CloudControl because it provides a real-time, holistic overview of all of your Spiideo camera systems. You can think of this as the mission control for sports broadcasters
If cameras show offline here, you will need someone at the local field to troubleshoot the issue. Here is our guide for this
You can add an email address to receive automated email notification for all scenes when they go offline.
Have further questions or issues with your stream? Please reach out to Spiideo support!