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Live Broadcast Alerts

Get a fast overview of the health for all your ongoing Spiideo Play broadcasts.

Updated yesterday

Live Broadcast Alerts allow you to see the current health for all of your ongoing broadcasts. We display live updates for:

  • Upload speed from cameras

  • Status of production within Spiideo's cloud

  • Status of production of stream to external platform (For RTMP or SRT productions)

Stream status information is automatically updated every minute.

Please note: This feature is available for Spiideo Play Pro customers.

Accessing the Live Alerts

The live alerts can be viewed under the list view of your broadcasts.

Under the 'Broadcasts' tab, locate and click the '☰' icon next to the search bar to change to the list view.

Here you can see all broadcasts and view their health via the 'Status' column.

Broadcast Status Explained:

We list the following to display the health of your broadcast:

Green - Broadcast is healthy

Orange - Broadcast has a problem (requires attention)

Grey - Spiideo can not gather information on broadcast

By clicking on the status symbol for each broadcast, you can get a quick preview of what is wrong with the ongoing broadcast:

The purpose of these warnings are as followed:

Upload speed

This means the speed received by your cameras does not meet the required speed for live upload. Footage is being delayed in the cameras. You should investigate on the camera's local network to try and increase available bandwidth

Spiideo production

The production of the broadcast in Spiideo's cloud is delayed, causing a delay in the broadcast arriving to viewers. This can be caused by slow upload from cameras but you should contact Spiideo support if no footage is being received by viewers, or if video is constantly buffering.

External broadcast

The production of the stream to your external broadcasting platform is delayed/not being received. This can be caused by slow upload from cameras, delay in processing within Spiideo's cloud or incorrect RTMP/SRT information. Check the RTMP/SRT information as well as camera upload status. If RTMP/SRT information is correct and camera upload is good please contact Spiideo support.

Tips When Using the Live Alerts Feature

You can view the total number of broadcasts that require attention via the button in the top right corner.

Click on the 'Attention' button just below the search bar to filter out the broadcasts in need of attention.

Click on the broadcast that you want to know more about and scroll down to the 'Monitor' section to get more information on what issue/s the broadcast is having.

Need help with something else? Please reach out to Spiideo support via the chat!

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