Using bulk scheduling shortens the amount of time and effort spent on scheduling broadcasts. Instead of setting up each broadcast one by one you can fill in and upload a pre-made sheet to Spiideo Play and let our system schedule the broadcasts for you.
Please note: Bulk scheduling in Spiideo Play requires a 'Play PRO' subscription.
Before You Start Scheduling
There are a couple of things that we recommend that you setup before you begin bulk scheduling.
Create teams via the 'Teams and Players' tab
Creating game packages via the 'Game packages' tab
Uploading your sponsors via the 'Sponsors' tab
How to Bulk Schedule
The first step to bulk scheduling is downloading the template sheet that you will be filling with the broadcast's information. This sheet is specific to the account you are on so please make sure that you are logged into the correct account if you are a part of multiple ones.
To find the sheet begin by navigating to the 'Broadcasts' tab on the left hand side and clicking 'Add multiple broadcasts'.
Click on 'Download' to start downloading the template. The download should not take more than a couple of seconds.
Once the download is complete we recommend that you upload it to Google Drive where you can fill in the broadcast information.
Please note: If the cell you are filling in has a drop down list available you need to choose one of the options from that list.
Start off by filling in:
1. The description of the game
2. The home team
3. The home team jersey
4. The away team
5. The away team jersey
6. The date of the broadcast
7. The start time (kick-off/puck drop/throw-off)
8. The duration of the broadcast (in minutes, maximum 210 minutes)
9. The pre-game time (how many minutes before the start time you want the broadcast to start)
10. The arena that you are broadcasting from
11. The storyboard that is being used
Continue by filling in:
12. The first sponsor you want to use in the broadcast*
13. The second sponsor you want to use in the broadcast*
14. The third sponsor you want to use in the broadcast*
15. If you want to display sponsors automatically
16. The price of the broadcast*
17. The first RTMP/SRT destination*
18. The first RTMP key*
19. The second RTMP/SRT destination*
20. The second RTMP key*
21. The third RTMP/SRT destination*
22. The third RTMP key*
* = not mandatory to fill in
Lastly, fill in:
23. The fourth RTMP/SRT destination*
24. The fourth RTMP key*
25. The fifth RTMP/SRT destination*
26. The fifth RTMP key*
27. The game package you want to add the broadcast to*
* = not mandatory to fill in
Once you have filled out the sheet you can upload it using the same page as you downloaded the template from. When you have uploaded the sheet it will be ready for reviewing.
To upload the sheet and schedule the broadcasts:
Click on 'Upload' in step 3
Click on 'Review X broadcasts' in step 4
Make sure that the information of the broadcast is correct
Click on 'Schedule X broadcasts'
The broadcasts will be scheduled into
Possible Errors When Uploading Your Sheet
If information has been filled out incorrectly you will receive import errors when uploading the sheet as seen in the image below.
To review the errors click on 'View import errors'.
Below you will find a list of common import errors, their cause and the solution.
Invalid date or time
Cause: The date or time has been entered incorrectly.
Solution: Make sure that the date and time are not in the past, that the format matches the pre-filled cells and that there are no accidental character/s added to the text such as an extra space at the end or beginning.
Invalid price
Cause: The price or the format of the price has been entered incorrectly.
Solution: Make sure that the price entered is above the minimum on your account, that the format matches the pre-filled cell and that there are no accidental character/s added to the text such as an extra space at the end or beginning.
Invalid arena
Cause: An arena has not been chosen from the drop down list or characters have accidentally been added to the text.
Solution: Make sure that the only text in the cell is an option from the drop down list and that there are no accidental character/s added to the text such as an extra space at the end or beginning.
Missing home team
Cause: No home team has been chosen
Solution: Add a home team
Missing away team
Cause: No away team has been added
Solution: Add an away team
Missing RTMP key
Cause: You have added an RTMP destination but not an RTMP key.
Solution: Add an RTMP key
Team sport must match scene sport
Cause: Team/s that you are scheduling with are set to a sport which is not available on the scene.
Solution: Try scheduling using a team whose sport matches the scene or if a sport is missing from a scene please reach out to our support team who can adjust the scene settings. If you have more than one sport on a scene make sure that you use the scene with the correct sport.
RTMP/SRT broadcasts cannot be included in a package
Cause: A broadcast that has been scheduled as an RTMP/SRT broadcast has also been added to a game package.
Solution: If it is an RTMP/SRT broadcast, remove the broadcast from the game package. If you are broadcasting onto Spiideo's OTT remove the RTMP/SRT information.
RTMP/SRT broadcasts cannot have a price
Cause: A price as well as RTMP/SRT information has been filled in.
Solution: If it is an RTMP/SRT broadcast remove the price, if you are broadcasting using Spiideo's OTT remove the RTMP/SRT information.
Any further questions? Please contact Spiideo support!