Creating teams and players in Spiideo Play has several benefits to your broadcasting. Using teams and players enables you to:
Streamline your broadcast scheduling
Link a specific player to a certain tag
Add a lineup overlay
Teams Overview
Below you will find an overview of 'teams'.
From the 'teams' overview you can:
Create a new team
Filter teams based on sport
Search for a team
See team names
See team abbreviation
See team sport
See the number of players on the team
Create a Team
Creating a new team requires only a few steps.
To create a new team:
Select '+ New'
Add a team emblem
Add a team name
Add a team abbreviation
Select a sport
Select colors for the first, second and third kit.
Select 'Save'
Please note: Once you have chosen a sport you will not be able to edit it.
Edit a Team
To edit a team, hover your mouse over the team you wish to edit and click the pencil icon on the far right.
A new window will appear where the team information can be adjusted.
Here you can:
Edit the emblem
Edit the name
Edit the abbreviation
Select the sport (only available if you have not chosen a sport for the team when it was first created)
Edit the first, second and third kit color
Delete a Team
Deleting a team is useful in cases where a team has been created using the wrong sport or when a team is no longer in use.
To delete a team:
Tick the box of the team/s you wish to delete
Select 'delete' located just above the list of teams
Confirm by selecting 'delete' on the window that popped up
Players overview
Below you will find an overview of the 'players' overview.
From the 'players' overview you can:
Create a new player
Filter players based on team
Search for a player
See player name
See player age
See player nationality
See the team that the players belongs to
Create a Player
To create a player:
Click '+ New'
Add a player image
Add a first name
Add a surname
Add a birthdate
Add a nationality
Add a default jersey number
Choose if the player is a goalkeeper or not
Select the team/s that the player is included in
Add a specific jersey number for each team if necessary
Click 'Save'
Edit a Player
To edit a player, hover your mouse over the player you wish to edit and click the pencil icon on the far right.
A new window will appear where the player information can be adjusted.
Here you can:
Edit the player image
Edit first name
Edit last name
Edit birth date
Edit nationality
Edit default jersey number
Toggle on/off whether the player is a goalkeeper or not
Edit the teams the player is included in
Edit the jersey number for each team the player is included in
Delete a Player
Deleting a player is done in three steps.
To delete a player:
Tick the box of the player/s you wish to delete
Click 'delete' located just above the list of players
Confirm by selecting 'delete' on the window that popped up
Use Teams and Players for Lineup Overlays
Instead of having to create line-ups in external programs and uploading them as overlays you can create them using teams and players.
NOTE: This is an available add-on feature for Spiideo Play Pro customers
Start off by scheduling a broadcast, if you need a refresher please click here.
Once you get to the 'Teams' step, select 'edit lineup'.
Here you will have the following options:
Add completely new players to the team
Search for players
Choose the teams' kit color
Add the player to the starting lineup
Add the player to the substitutions
When you are happy with the lineup select 'save' and continue scheduling the broadcast.
Once your broadcast has started, locate 'Manual - Lineup' and select 'Activate' to add your lineup to the broadcast.
The lineup overlay will look as presented above.
The lineup overlay feature is also available on CloudStudio On site
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