Welcome back!
It's very common that you may have purchased a Game Package - i.e. access to many games within a season or tournament and want to come back to re-watch older games or live games.
In order to access these games, you must be logged into your Spiideo account you made when purchasing.
If you are logged out of your account, it will show that you need to pay in order to get access to your games
To get access to your game(s), sign back into your account using the same email that you used to make your purchase.
1. Click Sign in on your Game page or Package page
In order to come back at a later time to watch or rewatch purchased games, use the same way you signed up initially. You will find a little login icon in the top right corner of the your game page.
2. Sign into your account
If you signed up via Google, then you have to click Continue with Google
If you signed up via Apple, then you have to click Continue with Apple
If you signed up with your name/email, then just type in your email/password into the empty boxes
IMPORTANT NOTE: Purchasing a Game Package (i.e. season pass) will only give you access to games listed in that package - it will not give you access to other packages. So if you are interested in viewing games that are listed under other Game Packages (i.e. season passes), then you will need to purchase access.
If you are still experiencing issues, you can visit the Can't sign in to learn how to troubleshoot or contact us playsupport@spiideo.com.