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Ordering AutoData

Requirements and how to order AutoData using your Spiideo camera systems or uploaded footage

Updated over a year ago

AutoData provides professional breakdowns with game event data and individual player data, during the entire recording, for both home and away teams. Send both your Spiideo recordings and uploaded footage for complete data sets available within Spiideo Perform!

Once your game is ready to view, this video will show you how to access your data. All data is dynamic with the video player.

Requirements for AutoData

AutoData can be used with ANY video - manually recorded or recorded with Spiideo. This means you can upload footage to your Spiideo account and order AutoData.


  • Footage from a match (practice, friendly or official)

  • Any footage - recorded manually, from other video providers (Hudl, Veo, etc.) or with any Spiideo camera systems


  • Home team name, lineup and jersey color

  • Away team name and jersey color

  • Skip lineup for away team if you do not want that data

  • You must have available tokens to order

If you do not know how to check for your AutoData tokens, you can read how to do so as well as how to order more, here!

How to Order AutoData

Choose to watch the video quick guide below or follow the detailed step by step screenshots for how to order AutoData.

Quick Start guide to order AutoData

  1. Go to your Recordings tab to find the game

  2. Click on the 3 dots on the video thumbnail

  3. Select AutoData

  4. Add Home team jersey colors and lineup

  5. Add Away team jersey colors (away team lineup can be skipped by the toggle)

  6. Add any additional notes you feel are necessary for the breakdown

  7. Click save and submit the order

It will now take up to 24h for the data to be complete. You can check status of the order in the AutoData tab on the side menu.

The above video is an example of how to order AutoData

Step by Step guide to order AutoData

Navigate to your recordings tab, click the '3-dots' menu on the recording you wish to order for a click 'AutoData'

Select the option for 'AutoData : 24H Standard. This will be sport specific to the sport you are ordering for

You can now enter the Home team and Away team lineups

Begin by entering the team name as well as the primary and secondary colors for the team jersey (these can be the same if only one color exists on the jersey.

Continue by entering the number and name for the goalkeeper, remaining 10 outfield players as well as the substitutes.

You should then move onto entering the same information for the Away team. If you do not need player specific data for the away team, you can toggle 'Skip Lineup' on to not enter the Away team's lineup

Once both team's information is entered, click 'Submit' to finalize your order

Once your order is submitted, you can track its progress via the 'AutoData' tab under the 'AutoData 24H' section

Here you can see:

  1. Name of game ordered for

  2. State of the order (Processing, Complete, Failed)

  3. Date the order was submitted

  4. Scene the game was recorded on

  5. Member who submitted the order

Your order should be returned to you within 24 hours of purchasing. If your order is still processing after 24 hours, you can contact Support for help!

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