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CloudLink Features and Requirements

Features, functionality and requirements of CloudLink

Updated yesterday

Read through to see what CloudLink RTSP can offer you and how to access

Features and Functionality

CloudLink RTSP is a low-latency feed from Spiideo's cloud into the external software (Sportscode, Angles, SBG Focus, etc.) of your choice. This feed:

  • Can be configured with All Players or Standard AutoFollow or as still camera view (Fixed view)

  • 3-second latency from Spiideo to your external software

  • For use in tagging and live analysis within other tools

The CloudLink RTSP is a separate stream from the Spiideo recording in your Recordings tab. You can always access that recording live or afterwards.

Requirements for CloudLink

To receive your camera feed via CloudLink, you will need:

  • You have a Spiideo Perform Pro Plus subscription

  • You've purchased CloudLink RTSP add-on

  • S/X/D/A-Line Camera systems

  • Stable network that the cameras are connected to (15mbps / camera system)

  • Allow outbound UDP traffic on port: 45079 in your firewall

With the above, you can receive Spiideo's CloudLink RTSP feed while on the bench, in the stadium or at your home office.

Check You're Enabled For CloudLink

  • Navigate to your Scenes tab in Spiideo Perform

  • The highlighted column 'CloudLink Ready' will reflect a green tick if your scene is available for CloudLink RTSP

  • If you do not see this, you should reach out to Spiideo Support

Has your question not been answered from the above information? Please reach out to Support via the chat in the bottom right corner.

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