Utilizing AutoData: Soccer LIVE

What is included in your AutoData breakdowns and how to use them

Updated over a week ago

After ordering AutoData for your Football match, it's time to access and utilize the data output. Accessing data differs depending on where you are accessing it from. How to access and use the available features is detailed below.


1. AutoData on Web

Viewing breakdown data is the same experience when viewing live or after the game is finished on app.spiideo.net. To access your AutoData order, navigate to the recording you ordered for and click the 'Stats' button in the top left:

To switch between panels, click the the down arrow next to 'Stats'

a. Stats

The statistics overview gives you a breakdown the entire match for each team. The panel can also be filtered for either half. The following data points are included:

  • Possession

  • Corners

  • Passes

  • Free kicks

  • Sprint distance

This panel looks as followed:

b. Pass Data

The pass data interface populates a map of the field with passes made by each player. This is map shows:

  • Pass direction

  • Pass distance

  • Player who made the pass (only with Player Identification data)

The pass data can be broken down by halves and team. The data panel looks as followed:

By clicking on each individual pass, the recording will navigate to the time that pass occurs.

c. Sprint Data

The sprint data interface populates a map of the field with all sprints made by players. this map shows:

  • Sprint direction

  • Sprint distance

  • Player who made the sprint (only with Player Identification data)

The pass data can be broken down by halves and team. The data panel looks as followed:

By clicking on each individual sprint, the recording will navigate to the time that pass occurs.

d. 2D Tactical Overview

The 2D Tactical View gives you even more insight into the game, via a birds-eye overview of player positions. This view can be accessed here:

The use of this menu is as followed:

  1. Select between displaying all players or players from each team

  2. If displaying players from either team, you can cycle through individual players

  3. Orient the view in portrait or landscape as well as displaying as an overlay

When deployed as an overlay, the 2D Tactical View will look like the following:

This overlay can then be moved between the top and bottom of the player, used when in full screen mode and closed to return to the side bar tactical view. An example of use can be seen here:

e. Surface Control

Our Surface Control tool employs Voronoi networks to display an overview of each teams control over the pitch at all times of a match. This view can be accessed here:

A Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into regions based on the distance to a set of points. In the case of football, the points are players on the pitch. Each player, represented by a dot, has a cell which shows the area of the pitch they have 'control' over and can reach before an opposition player.

With this feature, you can adjust the view to show:

  • Per team

  • Per player

  • Control of Pitch or Control of Pitch vs Opposition

  • Pass options

Pass options refers to the available targets a player has when attempting a pass. The available pass options can include nearby teammates, players making runs down the field, or players in open spaces on the opposite side of the field.

To view this, select the team > Team view > Pass Options:

By playing your recording, you can watch footage and assess the surface control over your team has over the field, as shown:

f. Player Activity Hover

With the Player Activity Hover, you can enable a dynamic banner above each player that displays:

  • Player name (For Enhanced AutoData only)

  • Player number

  • Players speed

  • Total distance covered

In order to activate and deactivate this hover, click on the individual via the blue highlight circle and select 'Activity':

Once selected, the hover banner will display and update in real time until disabled via the same button. See an example image here:

AutoData on iOS

Advanced Visualization Tools are great for presentations or screen recordings to share with players. This can also be done live while presenting.

Orient your device horizontally and click the pencil icon in the top right to open the tools menu. The following can be accessed from here:

a. Spotlight

The Spotlight Tool allows you to shed a light halo over a player and follow that individual across the field. You can create the spotlight by clicking on the tool from the right menu and then the player(s).

With the Spotlight Tool, you can:

  • Track an individual player

  • Track multiple players with more than one spotlight

  • Change the color of each spotlight

b. Connect and Measure

The connect and measure tool allows you to connect a line of players to track the distance between each. You can use this tool by selecting it from the right menu, clicking the first player in a line and then clicking on each subsequent player you would like included.

Note: You can change your unit of measurement via your name in the User section of the main menu

With the Connect and Measure tool, you can:

  • Track the distance between two or more players as they move

  • Track an infinite line of players

  • Track more than one line of players

  • Change the color of each connected line

c. Connected Area

The Connected Area tool allows you to track a space between selected players on the field. You can use this tool by selecting it from the right menu, clicking the first player as a starting point and then any other players for the space in between them.

Note: If more than 3 players are selected, the AI will lose any player that goes inside the tracked area

With the Connected Area tool, you can:

  • Track the space in between 3 or more players

  • Track the space between yours and opposition players

  • Track multiple areas at a time

  • Change the color of the tracked area

d. Player Trails

Player Trails allow you to view where each player has run from over the last few seconds, giving a clear pathway for any runs made. To use this tool, select it from the right menu. Then, click on any player you'd like to show a trail for.

With the Player Trails tool, you can:

  • Track the runs of any player, both yours and opposition

  • Track multiple players at a time

  • Change the color of the Player Trail

e. Future Player Movement

Future Player Movement allows you to view where each player will run for the next few seconds, giving a clear pathway for any runs to be made. To use this tool, select it from the right menu. Then, click on any player you'd like to show a trail for.

With the Future Player Movement tool, you can:

  • Track the upcoming runs of any player, both yours and opposition

  • Track multiple players at a time

  • Change the color of the Future Player Movement

Note: For the following three features, you must orient your device vertically and swipe the bottom menu across three times.

f. Player Activity

The Player Activity tool allows you to view a number of dynamic statistics. You can use this tool by selecting it from the Analytics Controls menu under the video player. Then, click any player you would like to see activity for.

Note: You can change your unit of measurements via your name in the User section of the main menu

With the Player Activity tool, you can:

  • Track the speed at which a player is moving

  • Track the distance they have covered in a match

  • Track their heart rate (COMING SOON)

  • With Player Identification data, track the name and number of a player

  • Track multiple players activity at one time

h. Heat Maps

The Heat Maps tool allows you to see the area covered by a player for the last few minutes. You can use this tool by selecting it from the Analytics Controls menu under the video player. Then, click any player you would like to see a Heat Map for.

With the Heat Maps tool, you can:

  • Track areas covered by individual players

  • Track areas covered by multiple players at a time

i. AutoFollow Players

The AutoFollow Players tool allows you to select the players you want the AI camera system to follow. You can use this tool by selecting it from the Analytics Controls menu under the video player. Then, click any player you would like to follow.

With the AutoFollow Players tool, you can:

  • Ask the AI camera system to closely follow one individual player at all times

  • Ask the AI camera system to closely follow a number of players at all times

If you have further questions about using AutoData, please feel free to reach out to Support via the chat widget in the bottom right of the screen.

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