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Aim your Cameras

How to aim your camera type for your field/arena

Updated over 3 years ago

Aiming the Spiideo cameras is the last step for the local installer. This article shows examples of the different Spiideo camera systems and the end result you should try to achieve.

Read more about how to adjust the camera systems and aim them below.


Reach out 48h in advance to to schedule your installation. This way we can help you with aiming the cameras correctly!

1. Adjusting the cameras and camera system

1. Tilt camera system up/down


By loosening the screws on each side of the mounting plate you will be able to tilt the system up/down depending on need. It is important that the camera rig is mounted perfectly horizontal so both the left and the right camera show the same height over the far sideline of the pitch/field/rink.

2. Adjust camera left/right


Release the wing nuts at the U-bolt, then adjust the camera position. When adjusted, tighten the wing nuts for the U-bolt so the cameras are locked in position.

3. Rotate camera


To get the far sideline horizontal you can adjust the individual camera rotation. Release the wing nuts locking the camera in position. Move the camera house clockwise/ counterclockwise. When adjusted, tighten the wing nuts for the U-bolt so the cameras are locked in position.

2. Aiming the cameras

Please use the installer link to aim cameras. We recommend using a mobile phone or tablet with an internet connection to help guide you while aiming the camera system.

Center Sideline (Virtual Panorama):

Goal camera systems:

Additional camera solutions:


Steps relate to letters A through D in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures the corner.

  • B - Make sure the camera captures corner centerline and near sideline.

  • C - Make sure the camera has an overlap over centerline of at least 2 meters (7 ft).

  • D - Make sure the height on the far side is at least 5 meters (16 ft). More height is always better.


  • If it is outdoors and the horizon is possible to include, make sure part of the sky is in the picture for each camera.

  • Make sure the far sideline is fairly horizontal on both cameras and the highest point above the centerline is similar for both cameras.

  • If cameras are zoomed out and you are far away from the pitch make sure the overlap over centerline (C) and space outside the respective near corner (A) are similar. In order to facilitate the possibility to zoom in the cameras (done by Spiideo).

  • Also make sure you have a bit of room on the near side of the pitch to allow for zoom (B).


Steps relate to letters A through D in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures the corner.

  • B - Make sure the combined camera views captures the full length of the sideline. Use cones to help with alignment to get an overlap with center/left camera and center/right camera Point B.

  • C - Make sure the camera has an overlap of at least 2 meters (7 ft).

  • D - Make sure the height on the far side is at least 5 meters (16 ft). More height is always better.


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures goal line in the middle and equal distance on each side of the goal.

  • B - Try to get as much view of the goal line as possible.

  • C - Position the camera so you have a horizontal orientation of

Equipment for adjusting the camera angles: Torx 10 (S-line) / Torx 20 (X-Line)


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures the corners.

  • B - Make sure the camera captures all of the goal line with an overlap between the cameras from near goal to the far goal line.

  • C - Try to get as much view of the field as possible.


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure the camera captures all the corners.

  • B - Make sure the camera captures the full near sideline.

  • C - Then make sure you have as much room over the far sideline a possible.


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures the corners.

  • B - Make sure the camera captures all of the goal line.

  • C - Make sure you get the full field in view.


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera captures the rink with

  • B - Try to get as much view to the sides as possible. Same on both sides and horizontal alignment.

  • C - Try to get as much view towards the center as possible without loosing height on position A.


Steps relate to letters A through C in the images below:

  • A - Make sure that the camera is exactly over the goal line.

  • B - Make sure the goal is vertically centered in the view.

  • C - Try to get as much view to the middle as possible to en- sure you capture the whole goal area in front of the goal without losing the back part of the goal.

Note: Equipment for adjusting the camera angles: Torx 10 (S-line) / Torx 20 (X-Line)

3. Confirmation and next steps

After the cameras have been aimed the job of the local installation is complete. As a next step Spiideo calibrates the cameras to make them ready for use.

Note: The calibration can take up to 2 working days to be completed.

After calibration, the cameras should not be physically moved. In case you want to change the mounting position or make adjustments please contact Spiideo in advance at

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