With picture in picture (PiP), you can take any angle of video from any camera on your scene and overlay it on your recording. Use the PiP to show:
Your goal camera views
The scoreboard in the venue
Any other angle you wish
You can use PiP in either live recordings or completed recordings
On your recording, open the:
Time options via the cog
Under 'Overlays', choose 'Picture-in-Picture' to activate
Hover over the PiP to display the menu options. Here you can:
Close the PiP window
Choose from available cameras on the scene
Choose your desired aspect ratio
Choose the size of the PiP window
Choose the placement of your PiP
Click and drag in the PiP window to move the camera around to your desired angle and use your scroll wheel to zoom the camera in or out
Have any further questions about Picture in Picture? Please reach out to Spiideo support!